Check out all great web hosting plans offered by Freehostia! With our Chocolate free web hosting, Watercircle, Lovebeat, Wildhoney, Supernatural packages you can host more than one domain in a single account. Moreover, you can host simultaneously several websites at the price of one or even FREE of charge if you pick the Chocolate free hosting plan! All our web hosting plans come with 30-day money-back and 99.9% server uptime guarantees; an automated, 1-Click Applications Installer; 24/7 technical support; and are hosted on our load balanced cluster hosting platform. Using our in-house built 1-Click Applications Installer platform you can easily install any script (blog, forum, cms, album, e-commerce, etc) with just a click of the mouse.
The proportion between price, features and quality is among the most important factors in choosing a web hosting package. We, at Freehostia, provide both personal and business web hosting solutions. Knowing how hard it is for a brand new website to be launched out, we’ve mastered our platform in such a way that everyone to be able to create, manage and develop their own websites free of charge, and as that same website grows – the respective hosting plan to be upgraded with additional services, or to another more powerful web hosting package: Chocolate, Watercircle, Lovebeat, Wildhoney, Supernatural.
Freehostia is a multi-national company. We understand our customers' needs and we do our best to provide services globally and with equally accessibility to all users. Our incessantly developing Web Hosting Control Panel currently supports more than 15 languages (English, Spanish, German, French, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Dutch, Romanian, Czech, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) and is available with all our web hosting plans.
Freehostia boasts a load balancing cluster hosting platform based on last generation super powerful Quad-Core servers. Our experience in providing tomorrow’s technologies has allowed us to create a platform up to 15 times faster than the widespread one-server hosting solutions. Guaranteeing higher productivity, stability and quality performance, our platform has been optimized to work with the most popular PHP web hosting applications: Joomla, WordPress, phpBB, OsCommerce, as well as with more than 50 other free PHP scripts offered by 1-Click Applications Installer.