Promo Offers New Year Specials:

KVM servers 50% OFF
starting from $9.00 for the first 3 month(s)

About our platform

Freehostia's load-balanced cluster platform has proven to be faster than the widespread one-server hosting platform solution. All of our web hosting plans are optimized to work with the most popular PHP web applications: Joomla, WordPress, PrestaShop, as well as with more than 50 other free applications offered by our in-house built 1-Click Web Applications Installer.

At Freehostia, we offer a variety of web hosting services, from free hosting accounts all the way to VPS and dedicated servers. Download the PDF to see our full web hosting portfolio:

Hosting Portfolio (PDF)

Are you looking for a more powerful solution for your business?

Check out our VPS, Semi-dedicated and Dedicated offers!

Our data center...

... is located in Colohouse, Chicago, USA. It provides the physical environment necessary to keep the servers up and running round the clock. So no matter which part of the world you are located, your sites will be running flawlessly on our platform.


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